Ripon and District Scouts : Key Policies

Ripon and District Scouts - Key Policies

Scout Association Equal Opportunities Policy

No adult or young person should receive less favourable treatment on the basis of, nor suffer disadvantage by reason of: class; ethnic origin, nationality (or statelessness) or race; gender; marital or sexual status; mental or physical ability; political or religious belief.

Scout Association Safety Policy

It is the policy of The Scout Association to provide scouting in a safe manner without risk to health, so far as is reasonably practicable.

Scout Association Anti Bullying Policy

It is the responsibility of all adults in scouting to help develop a caring and supportive atmosphere, where bullying in any form is unacceptable.

Scout Association Religious Policy

The Scout Movement includes Members of many different faiths and religions as well as those with no formal religion.
The following policy has received the approval of the heads of the leading religious bodies in the United Kingdom.
All Members of the Movement are encouraged to:

  • make every effort to progress in the understanding and observance of the Promise to do their best to do their duty to God or to uphold Scouting’s values as appropriate;
  • explore their faith, beliefs and attitudes;
  • consider belonging to some faith or religious body;
  • carry into daily practice what they profess.

Scout Association Child Protection Policy

It is the policy of The Scout Association to safeguard the welfare of all members by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.

Ripon and District Scouts 2025