Ripon and District Beavers : 6-8 Years Old

Ripon and District Scouts - Beavers

Ripon and District Scouts Beavers

Beavers are usually aged between six and eight years old, though they can be as young as five and three quarters.

About Beavers

They belong to the second Section in the Scouting family.
Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday.
They can move to the next Section, Cub Scouts, between eight and eight years six months.
Easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others.
They usually meet together once a week in a Beaver Scout Colony.
Some Beaver Scout Colonies also organise Sleepovers.
These are often the first time a young person spends a night away from home.
They take place in suitable buildings, often Scout centres.


Earlier entry is at the Beaver Scout Leader's discretion (for example, to allow someone a little bit younger to join at the same time as their friends).


A group of Beaver Scouts is called a Colony, and each Colony can be split up into smaller groups called Lodges.
Beavers have a Promise and Motto, but there is not a Beaver Scout Law.
The concepts of the Scout Law are presented to Beavers through games, storytelling and other informal devices.

Ripon and District Scouts 2024